Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Little This ... A Little That

Just a little mish mash of stuff I've edited recently. Both of my girls love to read, I really hope they continue their love of books. Elliot and I both love to read, there are always books strewn around the house -- by the bed, in the closet, in boxes in the garage. Anna is now falling in love with all of the board books Sarah loved at her age. She brings them to me now and says "See, See", which is her way of telling me she wants to look at the pages while I read them to her.

Anna has recently figured out that my camera shows the photos on the screen on the back. Now she doesn't want me to take her picture, but climbs up in my lap and says "See, See" and gets rather insistent about it! I keep trying to show her and explain to her that there's nothing to SEE if she doesn't let me take her picture!

Straw-bah-bah-bah-bah-berry Shortcake!

Little Miss Attitude!

Checking out the view.


Anonymous said...

Oh #1 is beautiful....My DD loves to read too. My 2 DS not so much..would rather run around screaming....Nice conversion too.

Anonymous said...

Aww...I think there's nothing I love more than reading... it's the one thing Camryn knows she can get me to drop whatever I'm doing for. Love how perfectly you've captured these. And the potty chair pictures are hysterical!

Marla said...

Thanks so much Frederique and Roseann! I appreciate the nice words. :) Both of my girls love books. Sarah is really getting into more educational books these days, and Anna loves anything with bright colors ... or ELMO!