Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tagged Back!

Ok, so now Julie M has tagged me back to come up with 6 things that make me happy.

1. Hearing my girls giggle ... I'm always tickling them just so I can hear them giggle.
2. When I take a really, really good photo
3. Reading in bed with a rainy thunderstorm outside
4. Getting a rare morning to sleep in
5. Snuggling with my family at home while watching a movie and eating popcorn
6. Lazing around in a swimming pool on a hot day

Now with all of this tagging going on, who on earth am I going to tag back?! :)


Anonymous said...

Marla - I see you tagged me for a list of weird things .. but I played the "things that make me haapy" list. Hope that's ok..LOL!
Thanks for listing me - this was fun ..

Anonymous said...

Hey what about "finding sites with lots of free emoticons!"