Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fireworks ... A Few Days Late

[Otherwise known as ... WHAT?? TWO posts in ONE day??! Yep. You got it. :)]

As I mentioned previously, we ended up staying home and doing our own fireworks show, after hubby spent a ridiculous amount of money buying them. It actually turned out to be the best option since Anna was asking to go to bed at 6:30 (yes, you read that right ... she ASKED). So while I didn't get the big ones I'd have gotten at the park, we still got some good ones. I set up my tripod and just experimented with shutter speeds. I wish I'd had a remote release, but oh well. Anyway, we also had a bunch of sparklers and morning glories, which Sarah got a huge kick out of.

First a couple of shots of the sun setting.

On to the fireworks ...

Note: You can see the rest here, if you want.


Lauren Hartman said...

Ohhh, I love that last one Marla, too cool! I hope Anna is feeling better now!

Marla said...

Thanks, Lauren! Yep, she's all better now, thanks. :)