Wednesday, April 11, 2007

More Workshop Fun

As I mentioned a few posts down, I've been taking a photography workshop the last couple of months with Wendy Schultz. I am learning so much from Wendy and her amazing way of teaching. She really is pushing me to develop and understand my own style. Our last two assignments have really made me focus on lighting and how I use it. Here's a sample.

Using mid-day light

How do you use light?


Anonymous said...

how do I use light? clearly not as well as you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Marla - you are doing so well in this workshop ..
I need to redo this assignments .. Light wasn't my best!!
WOW! Amazing!!
Can't wait to see more of your assignments!!

Ren said...

Great to hear that you're really enjoying this class... I'm signed up for the June class (?) and can't wait!

Your girl has the most amazing brown eyes... they're so soulful.