Monday, August 13, 2007

Tell Me About Your Day

Now that she is in kindergarten, Sarah and I have decided to start a new routine. Every afternoon when we get back from the bus stop, we share a snack and talk about our day. I've always asked her about her day, ever since she was in preschool. We would start our conversation in the car, on the way home. The usual responses to my questions about her day have always been "Good" and "I don't remember." I find it hilarious that she can't remember what she just spent the last four hours doing!! Of course to a complete stranger she will tell them every minute detail of her day!!!

Anyway, apparently the lure of a cold drink and a snack [and my undivided attention] is enough to get her to spill the details. She seems to be enjoying this little bit of our day as much as I am.


Anonymous said...

we do something similar at my house too. only, we do it at bed time and we talk about the worst and best parts of our day. my kids always laugh when i tell them that the worst part of my day is when my alarm goes off in the morning! :)

Mary-Ella said...

love that first shot marla - just beautiful